A journey of 12 hours begins with 32 weeks. Of training. What a great journey! I have to say that this time I am not sad that the training is over. I am sad that the race is over; racing is so much fun (if you have trained)! But training for a spring ironman is something I do not plan to do again. Late summer and fall races for me.
Here are the pictures. All that is left of 32 weeks of sacrifice leading to an amazing day in The Woodlands, Texas.
Race morning. 5 am. Ready to head over to transition to stock our bikes with a bottle of delicious perpetuem. Danna and I both used 8 scoops in one bottle and packed a gu and a snicker's bar.
Danna and I were blessed to be supported by Pops, Nana, Pete, Kara, Zach and Trey! They all sacrificed their weekends to come be with us. Thanks, guys. It means so much! And as always, I owe Grandma Charlotte a HUGE thank you for driving down to Burleson and picking up the girls so Pete could come down to be with me. There is no way I could ever do this without the support of so many people.
Trey and Danna
Danna makes sure everything is set to go for 112 miles in the pre-dawn hours
I tried to upload these in order but blogger does not always cooperate, so some of the pre-race pictures are out of order. Here we are entering the water. It was not a wet suit legal swim, meaning that the water was above the temperature allowed to wear a wet suit and qualify for the world championships. You can choose to wear one and know that you cannot qualify for any awards. Most of us don't have to worry about that anyway and a wet suit really helps a lot with buoyancy and makes you feel a little safer when you do the water wrestling that is an ironman swim. Danna and I chose not to wear wet suits because we were afraid that we would get too hot. My good friend Nancy loaned me her speed suit! Sweet!
This bridge offered a great place to watch the swim start. It was so neat to have such amazing crowd support.
Danna waves hi to Pops
total swim time 1:16. My slowest ironman swim by 6 minutes. Glad it's over.
Here I am coming in to the bike finish with a total bike time of 5:49 19.21mph average
out of order swim pic
One funny sign on the run: "140.6 because 140.7 would be CRAZY!"
Danna comes around during loop one of her run
Our loyal supporters, Kara and Nana
Here I am coming around to finish loop 2. Only one more loop to go!
Here comes Danna! 6:00 ironman marathon!
My sister is an Ironman!
When it's all over I am always left with overwhelming feelings of gratitude. I am the luckiest woman in the world. I have a husband who loves me and supports me and trains me to great success. I have children who graciously let me be selfish during long weekend training. Soren wrote me a letter wishing me luck and telling me how proud she is of me, how much she loves me and how she looks up to me. I will treasure it always, thank you Soren! My family has made this possible and I can never thank you enough for your love and support. It is a blessed life.