Sunday, July 29, 2012

Rock-n-Roll Chicago Half Marathon

How cool that we just happened to be in Chicago when Rock-n-Roll came through to host the half marathon!!  While the rest of the gang snoozed off our ridiculously huge birthday dinner, Pete and I got up and ran 13.1!  Wow.  Chicago is such an amazing place to do a half marathon!  The course is flat and fast and there are people along the entire route cheering you on.  It was by far one of my favorites so far.  Aside from a 4:30 pit-stop at mile 3, I had an awesome run.  Highly recommend it.

Chicago Muddy Buddy

For the full story of this race you will have to check out my other blog.  We kid-napped Pops for his 60th birthday and took him to Chicago to complete the Chicago Muddy Buddy.  We had such a blast and stayed together as a group, but that did not stop Pops and Nana from taking first place in the masters co-ed team division!  Woot!  It was a 4 mile course with various obstacles along the way.  Most of the mud was at the very end which made it a little easier along the way.  We are the coolest family EVER!

Tour de Goatneck 2012

Another local charity ride, Goatneck is the Cleburne tour.  Danna was in town and she and I rode with Pops.  Pete and Reese rode the tandem and Nana had a great ride, too!  Awesome!

Burleson Honey Tour 2012

Nancy and I at the 2012 Honey Tour.  Texas hosts some really great charity rides and Burleson's is always a blast.  This year the start and finish were at the new high school which gave us an awesome 20 minute downhill to the finish with great traffic control.  It was a great ride!

The TexasMan X50

What a great race!  I really liked this distance.  The training is very manageable, the race is long enough to make getting up at the crack of dawn worth it but short enough that it does not take over your life to train for it.  I will be doing this distance again, for sure!

Dallas Athletes puts on a great race, and they did not disappoint.  The venue was beautiful Lake Ray Roberts (my home stomping grounds!), support was excellent, and the weather cooperated, which is always a huge plus in the spring!

Pete surprised me by showing up unexpectedly.  He was scheduled to teach a class so he was not going to be able to make it, but he got up super early and drove out just to wish me luck.  He was able to see me finish the bike and start the run.  That meant so much to me, thank you, Pete!

A breath-taking Texas sun rise to start the race off right
 1 mile swim

 40 mile bike

 9 mile run

Ahhh...the painfully wonderful post race massage.

I was able to take home 1st in my age group, 5th overall female.  A good day, indeed!